Sunday, October 10, 2010
Buy More American Made
Random family conversation turned politics and I came up with my public service announcement: "Stimulate the U.S.A., go out of your way to buy American made." With that idea in mind, I went looking for stuff that said either "MADE IN USA" or "MADE IN CHINA." I also thought a map would be cool and fortunately had a 1935 world atlas from a garage sale that would be perfect to scan for my poster. I scanned a map of the United States and of China, and Prof. Babcock gave me the idea to put the map of China in the cut out of the United States map (brilliant). So I did that, printed it out and drew it in Sharpie (to have different mediums on the poster). I also scanned in an image of post-it notes that said "MADE IN USA" and had a flag; I then changed the USA to China (Prof. Babcock's idea) and kept the flag. After I merged the two images I colorized it to red and put white behind the flag (so that it's half American, half Chinese flag). Behind all of this I found a picture of Ellis Island immigrants on Google (http://prajjwal19.deviantart.com/art/Ellis-island-and-liberty-146665615?q=gallery%3Aprajjwal19%2F6499024&qo=8) which I cropped and faded. Then my message in simple Myriad Pro: Invest in America.

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I think it is looking really good. I think if you put some white behind the letters in China on the map we would be able to see it a little bit better. I also think that the dark gray all over is a bit heavy. Look for ways or places to lighten it up, probably keeping the darker gray over the image area but making it much lighter behind the flag and the stripe on the bottom.