Thursday, September 23, 2010

This is my poster design using the alternative representation letters.  It took me a while to figure out how to arrange the letters so that you could actually read my name (and still look good).  I used rounded rectangles as the clipping masks and made them all about the same height (except for my first name which I enlarged to fill up space).  The background is a lot more complicated (I was having fun).  The first layer of the background is actually a personal picture of a Thanksgiving table (turned sideways) with an extreme Gaussian blur; on top of that is a picture of wierd clouds which I decreased the opacity on to provide a texture, and finally, on top of that is another abstract texture that was a "happy accident" created in photoshop using the clone stamp tool on a Gaussian blurred picture of cobblestones.  For the finishing touch, I connected different sizes of black, rounded rectangles to tone down the background and unite it with the letters in my name.

Alternative Representation Letters

Outline of the Plan :
  Using the typeface Univers 65 Bold, print out letters to use as templates for the smaller images, or
  projections to achieve the bigger images.

J- books (large image)
    stack up hardback books (make sure longest and thickest are on the bottom for a strong foundation), you may need paperback books to help prop up the stem of the J --project image of J to check likeness
E- chain (small image)
    using a template, arrange a chain on a non-slick surface in the shape of an E
S- puzzle pieces (small or large image)
    using a template or a projection, stack up and arrange puzzle pieces in the shape of an S
S- games (large image)
    combine a bunch of small pieces from games (cards, dice, poker chips, etc.) onto the floor and arrange into an S, then (you'll probably need a ladder) project the S and rearrange accordingly
S- cds (large image)
    using a ladder and a projection, arrange a large selection of cds into the shape of an S (may use either side of the cds)
O- hats (large image)
    collect a large variety of hats (any size, any type) and arrange in the shape of an O (use bigger hats or
    more hats for the thicker sides)
M- cupcakes w/ candles (small or large image)
    step 1--make delicious cupcakes, step 2--group the cupcakes together and create an outline of an M on their tops using small birthday candles (of the same height), step 3--check the accuracy of the M before lighting the candles!, step 4--make sure to have at least 2 people lighting the candles while a third snaps multiple pictures
M- pepper slices (small image)
    stack and arrange slices of different colored peppers on a plate in the shape of an M (use more pepper slices for thicker sides)
E- googley eyes (small image)
    use a template to arrange different sizes of googley eyes (on Halloween paper for fun), use the bigger eyes mixed with little eyes to achieve thickness
R- candy corn (small image)
    arrange candy corn on a silver tray in the shape of an R, use a spotlight for dramatic lighting
K- fabric (large image)
    use fat quarters (folded the same) to arrange different colors on a white quilt in the shape of a K (use a carpet needle and yarn to stick on it somewhere for fun)
A- beads (small image)
    using a template, arrange beads on a non-slick surface in the shape of an A
M- sawdust (large image)
    dump sawdust on a deck or plank wood, use a trowel to scrape away an M shape, pour water onto the exposed wood to better reveal the letter, adjust proportions and take a picture
P- shoes (large image)
    collect a wide variety and large quantity of shoes (men's, women's, slippers, boots, heels, flats, tennis shoes, sandals, etc.), stack them up on the stairs (have one person orchestrate and another arrange) in the shape of a P (use more shoes for thicker parts)

Check out the finished products:

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Final Logo

Here is the final design.  I decided to take out the tripod because it still looks like a telescope without it, and this way I was able to exaggerate the depth without having a telescope with oddly squished legs.  I also took out the broken moon because I thought it mimicked the white space between the lens shapes too much.  Lastly, I took out the faces on the stars so that it looks better if you scale it down.